Monday, July 20, 2009

Monday morning

Ok, you know your computer is slow when you fall asleep while using it :)… Last night was my first night ever in a casino! Ok I was in one once for an all you can eat buffet, and another for the Chinese New Year… Ok well last night I was so tired I didn’t want to camp, so I got a hotel room, and they gave me a bunch of stuff for the casino here… Well I had no idea what I was doing but I won 40 bucks playing the 5 cent coin machines which paid for dinner and then some… and then I won another 25 playing black jack… Ok I was a head 50, and then my luck turned, so I got the hell out of there :)… I still have no idea how those coin machines work, they tried to explain it to me, but I just nodded and well… no I didn’t get it… But hey, I you press a bunch of buttons for no particular reason, you win a bunch of money! :) The lady that was trying to help me had a good laugh… :)

Well today I’m off to check out the “Canadian Bush-plane Heritage Center” and St. Marys Island… Then I have my sights set on Thunder Bay…


  1. John in Thunder Bay there is a sleeping giant in the lake No Kidding.
    There is also a Sleeping Giant Bed and Breakfast at 532 Cambrian Crescent. Might want to see the giant and use a the bed and breakfast. Take care Love Mum

  2. Hi John

    Glad to hear your trip is going great. Keep having fun.

    Don't worry about the spelling (Janice!) I say as long as one udnresntads the wrod there is no porlbem. (Good old English Lanquage)

    We are really looking forward to your visit in Regina.

    Stay safe . . .Have a great trip. I really envy you doing this

    Uncle Dave

  3. Hey you!

    Looks like you're having a great time so far. I wish I were out on the road instead of sitting at my desk :( even if I had to ride a motorcycle!!! LOL

    Hope you're enjoying the music!

    Take care,

  4. Good to see that you are getting somewhere. Looks like fun. Good luck
